Fade to Silence Genre: Action Adventure Players: 1 (2-2 Online) CD: 1 Publisher: THQ Nordic HDD/Save: 13GB About: Stranded in middle of nowhere, the freezing cold is the minimal threath.
No Man’s Sky Beyond Genre: Action Adventure Players: 1 (Online 4+) CD: 1 Publisher: Hello Games HDD/Save: 12GB About: Beyond, massively expands the multiplayer experience introduced in NEXT, takes immersion to a whole new level with fully-fledged Virtual Reality, overhauls base building, NPCs, technology trees, and much, much more. Marking the three year anniversary of No Man’s Sky, this is our largest update so...
Blacksad: Under the Skin Genre: Adventure Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: Microids HDD/Save: 20GB About: A dark corruption scandal in the heart of the New York City’s underworld for charismatic detective John Blacksad! The 50s, New York City: Joe Dunn, owner of a boxing club, is found dead. Meanwhile, rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight...
Megaman 11 Genre: 2D Platformer Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: Capcom HDD/Save: 3GB About: Thirty years ago, in 1987, a super robot named Mega Man was created. In 2018 after 30 years of unforgettable adventures the fight for everlasting peace continues! The tight action-platformer gameplay that made the series a success is alive and well. To save the day, the Blue Bomber...
Black Mirror Genre: Adventure Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: THQ Nordic HDD/Save: 7GB About: Blood is not always thicker than water.Scotland, 1926. Following the death of his father, David Gordon visits his ancestral home for the first time in his life. A life that is soon threatened by the dark secrets that claimed the sanity of many Gordons before him. Black Mirror...
Immortal: Unchained Genre: Action RPG Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: Sold Out HDD/Save: 17GB About: You are a living weapon. Unwillingly unchained by the Warden, the player’s skills are put to the test, given only the instruction that they must stop the end of the world. With a story the player must piece together themselves, the central character sets off with no...
Matterfall Genre: Arcade Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: SONY HDD/Save: 4GB About: As a hero-for-hire, survive high-intensity side-scrolling war zones in vertical cities overrun by mysterious smart matter. Weaponize alien tech to destroy enemies infected by deadly Red Matter — and control Blue Matter to manipulate the world and forge the path forward.
Marvel’s Spider-man Genre: Action Adventure Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: SONY HDD/Save: 45GB About: When a new villain threatens New York City, Peter Parker and Spider-Man’s worlds collide. To save the city and those he loves, he must rise up and be greater.
Resident Evil 2 Genre: Survival Horror Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: Capcom HDD/Save: 25GB About: Ready or not, the terror of Resident Evil 2 is here. In chapter one, the case of the disastrous T-virus outbreak–a mutagenic toxin designed for biological weapons–was eventually closed but the experiments were far from over. Control the destiny of Leon Kennedy or Claire Redfield as their nightmare...
World to the West Genre: Action Adventure Players: 1 CD: 1 Publisher: Soedesco HDD/Save: 3,42GB About: World to the West is an action puzzler developed by Rain Games that continues exploring the universe of Teslagrad, already started by over 1.6 million people. Play as four charactersLumina the Teslamancer, Knaus the orphan, Miss Teri the mind bender and the gloriously mustachioed strongman, Lord Clonington, each...